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Here is an example of how to use the "d2TCGTO_s" class to continue an attracting invariant manifold of a dynamical system over a parameter range. The initial invariant manifold is a stable invariant torus of a map (the "fattened sink map").

// In this example we continue an attracting invariant torus of the "fattened sink map", 
// a map on R x S^{1} x S^{1}.

#include "d2TCGTO_s.h"
#include "map.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "fstream.h"

// parameters of the dynamical system
const REAL alpha = 0.5;
const REAL beta = 0.25;

// discretization parameters indicating size of grid
const int n1=50,n2=50;
const int twon1=2*n1;

int ambDim=3;                            // the ambient dimension
int order=1;                                // the order of discretization
int numNodes=(n1+1)*(n2+1);     // the total number of grid points
int numCoarseElts=2*n1*n2;      // the initial number of elements
const REAL twoPi=2.0*Pi;

// the dynamical system and its derivative
VEC evalFnp(VEC,REAL);
MAT derivFnp(VEC,REAL);

   int i,j,k;
// Create the dynamical system
   int hasInverse=0;
   REAL cpinit=0.0;
   map *mapPtr = new map(hasInverse,ambDim,cpinit,evalFnp,0,derivFnp);

// set fitData for the d2LTManifold
   int nodesPerElt = (order+1)*(order+2)/2;
   Matrix<int> fitData(numCoarseElts,5+nodesPerElt);
   for (j=0; j<n1; j++)
      for (i=0; i<n2; i++) {
	 fitData(i*twon1+2*j,0) = i*twon1+(2*j-1+twon1)%twon1;
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j,1) = i*twon1+2*j+1;
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j,2) = (i*twon1+2*j+twon1+1)%numCoarseElts;
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j+1,0) = i*twon1+(2*j+2)%twon1;
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j+1,1) = i*twon1+2*j;
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j+1,2) = (i*twon1+2*j-twon1+numCoarseElts)%numCoarseElts;
   for (j=0; j<n1; j++)
      for (i=0; i<n2; i++) {
	 fitData(i*twon1+2*j,3) = -1;
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j+1,3) = -1;
   for (j=0; j<n1; j++)
      for (i=0; i<n2; i++) {
	 fitData(i*twon1+2*j,4) = 0;
	 fitData(i*twon1+2*j+1,4) = 0;
   for (j=0; j<n1; j++)
      for (i=0; i<n2; i++) {
	 fitData(i*twon1+2*j,5) = ((n1+1)*(i+1)+j)%numNodes;
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j,6) = ((n1+1)*i+j)%numNodes;
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j,7) = ((n1+1)*(i+1)+(j+1)%(n2+1))%numNodes;
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j+1,5) = (n1+1)*i+(j+1)%(n2+1);
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j+1,6) = ((n1+1)*(i+1)+(j+1)%(n2+1))%numNodes;
          fitData(i*twon1+2*j+1,7) = ((n1+1)*i+j)%numNodes;
// set nodeList for the d2LTManifold, and set which nodes are on which boundaries.
// (includes specification of initial tangent and normal data)
   baseVector<d2GridPt *> nodeList(numNodes);
   VEC point(ambDim),trans(3);
   MAT normal(ambDim,ambDim-2),tangent(ambDim,2);
   REAL tau,theta;
   tau = 0.0;
   theta = 0.0;
   int numTruncDims=2;
   Matrix<int> *bndryNodePtr;
   bndryNodePtr = new Matrix<int>(numNodes,numTruncDims);
   for (j=0; j<n1+1; j++) {
      for (i=0; i<n2+1; i++) {
	 point[0] = 0.0;
	 point[1] = theta;
	 point[2] = tau;
	 trans[0] = 1.0;
	 trans[1] = 0.0;
	 trans[2] = 0.0;
	 trans[0] = 0.0;
	 trans[1] = 1.0;
          trans[2] = 0.0;
	 trans[0] = 0.0;
	 trans[1] = 0.0;
	 trans[2] = 1.0;
	 nodeList[(n1+1)*i+j] = new d2GridPt(1,1,2,ambDim,point,tangent,normal);
	 assert(nodeList[(n1+1)*i+j] != 0);
	 if (j==0) (*bndryNodePtr)((n1+1)*i+j,0)=-1;
	 if (j==1) (*bndryNodePtr)((n1+1)*i+j,0)=-1;
	 if (j==n1) (*bndryNodePtr)((n1+1)*i+j,0)=1;
	 if (j==n1-1) (*bndryNodePtr)((n1+1)*i+j,0)=1;
	 if (i==0) (*bndryNodePtr)((n1+1)*i+j,1)=-1;
	 if (i==1) (*bndryNodePtr)((n1+1)*i+j,1)=-1;
	 if (i==n2) (*bndryNodePtr)((n1+1)*i+j,1)=1;
	 if (i==n2-1) (*bndryNodePtr)((n1+1)*i+j,1)=1;	    
	 tau+=twoPi/((REAL) n2);
      theta+=twoPi/((REAL) n1);
// create the d2LTManifold
   d2LTManifold *manPtr;
   int irrGrid=1,wAElts=1; 
   manPtr = new d2LTManifold(ambDim,numCoarseElts,numTruncDims,order,numNodes,numNodes,
// create the d2graphMan
   d2graphMan *gMan1Ptr;
   gMan1Ptr = new d2graphMan(manPtr);
// data structure for d2TCGTO_s::iterate method
   baseVector<VEC *> *basePtPtr = new baseVector<VEC *>(numNodes);
   for (i=0; i<numNodes; i++) {
      (*basePtPtr)[i] = new VEC(3);
// create the d2TCGTO_s
   d2TCGTO_s *gtPtr;
   int MAXITS=1000;
   REAL TOLF=1.0e-6,TOLMIN=1.0e-8,TOLX=1.0e-9,STPMX=100.0;
   REAL bndryTol=1.0e-2;
   int rInitSrchData = 1,wInitSrchData = 0;
   int numPatchElts = 50;
   gtPtr = new d2TCGTO_s(mapPtr,gMan1Ptr,bndryNodePtr,bndryTol,numTruncDims,rInitSrchData,
// parameters for d2TCGTO_s::iterate/d2TCGTO_s::continuation
   REAL projectNeigh=1.0;
   REAL gtAcc=1.0e-4;
   int fullOutput=0,gtMaxit=30;
   //      gtPtr->iterate(fullOutput,gtMaxit,gtAcc,projectNeigh,basePtPtr,"MS_A");
// parameters for d2TCGTO_s::continuation
   int contMesh=5;
   REAL start=0.0,end=0.5;            
   REAL cosTol=0.0;     // for adaptive refinement, maximum slope.
   //      cerr << "angle tolerence, degrees: " << 180.0*acos(cosTol)/Pi << endl;
   cout << gtPtr->continuation(contMesh,start,end,projectNeigh,cosTol,gtAcc,"MS_AA");
   delete gtPtr;
   for (i=0; i<numNodes; i++) delete (*basePtPtr)[i];
   delete basePtPtr;
   delete gMan1Ptr;
   delete manPtr;
   delete mapPtr; 
   return 0;


VEC evalFnp(VEC arg,REAL eps)
   VEC val(3);
   val[0] = beta*arg[0] + eps*sin(arg[2]);
   val[1] = arg[1] + alpha*sin(arg[1]) + eps*arg[0];
   val[2] = arg[2] - alpha*cos(arg[1])*sin(arg[2]) + eps*arg[0];
   return val;

MAT derivFnp(VEC arg,REAL eps)
   MAT val(3,3);
   // first equation
   val(0,0) = beta;
   val(0,1) = 0.0;
   val(0,2) = eps*cos(arg[2]);
   // second equation
   val(1,0) = eps;
   val(1,1) = 1.0 + alpha*cos(arg[1]);
   val(1,2) = 0.0;
   // third equation
   val(2,0) = eps;
   val(2,1) = alpha*sin(arg[1])*sin(arg[2]);
   val(2,2) = 1.0 - alpha*cos(arg[2])*cos(arg[1]);
   return val;

Generated at Sat Oct 16 03:55:28 1999 for Computing Invariant Manifolds Library by doxygen  written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-1998